Can Not Connect / Error Connecting to iSCSI SAN

Sorry to disturb the tutorial about cloud native application, just a quick note about the troubleshooting.
I found an issue today regarding my iSCSI connection to the datastore. All hosts are all having this error when trying to connect to the SAN. This is because I played with my Lab a lot! and tried to remove and add the NIC of my Fusion and also my Host.
Error messages looks something like this:

Call "IscsiManager.QueryBoundVnics" for object "iscsiManager" on ESXi / vCenter failed.

The problem is solved with the following:
1. Disabled the iSCSI software adapter (backup your iqn and settings)
2. Navigate to /etc/vmware/vmkiscsid/ of the host and backup the files
3. Delete the contents in /etc/vmware/vmkiscsid/
4. Reboot the host
5. Create a new software iscsi adapter, write the IQN with the old one we backup earlier
6. Add iscsi port bindings and targets.
7. DONE.
Kind Regards,
Doddi Priyambodo

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