Category: IT-Tutorial


Create Dynamic Contact Forms for S3 Static Websites Using AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, and Amazon SES

Simple Code to create a Serverless Website for Contact Me! URL: Following is the architecture flow with detailed guidance. In the above diagram, the customer is submitting their inquiry through a “contact us”...


Build AWS Environment to Comply PCI-DSS

These are some references to support the PCI-DSS comply: References Step by Step: Source Code: AWS Quickstart doc: Best Regards,Doddi Priyambodo

What is Cloud?

Definition of Cloud? I usually answer this question with this mechanism (from my perspective) You can ask “What”, “Where”, When”, “How”, “Why” to answer that question. What? >> it is collection of IT resources...

Tutorial Instalasi Server DNS, NTP, NFS, iSCSI, VMware vSphere 6.5 (ESXi dan vCenter) di VMware Fusion for Mac atau VMware Workstation for Windows/Linux untuk Virtualization Home Lab.

Melanjutkan posting sebelumnya, kali ini saya akan menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Karena saya rasa sudah banyak yang menulis artikel seperti ini dalam bahasa Inggris, tapi jarang dalam bahasa Indonesia. Merayakan launching terbaru dari vSphere 6.5,...