Docker Version Manager (DVM) to easily Move between Docker Client Version

Another break-time post from the continuous tutorial about cloud native applications 🙂
Sometimes when we are working in container environment, we found server’s version is not the same as client’s version. So we can not connect to the server. To easily solve this issue, we should install dvm (docker version manager) so we can easily move from one environment in our client to another.
These are the steps:

$ curl -sL | sh
$ source /Users/doddipriyambodo/.dvm/
#Usages of the commands:
$ dvm ls --> see the version in your client
$ dvm ls-remote --> see what version available to install
$ dmv install 1.12.3 --> install the client
$ dvm use 1.12.3 --> use the specified client
$ dvm deactivate --> uninstall the client

Kind Regards,
Doddi Priyambodo

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