Pertanyaan Teknis yang diajukan saat vSphere Design during Requirement Analysis

Saya coba merangkum sekilas saja mengenai beberapa pertanyaan teknis dasar yang biasa diajukan saat kita melakukan Requirement Analysis / Design Workshop engagement dengan customer.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa high level questions yang biasa saya ajukan, dan melakukan penggalian lebih dalam berdasarkan pertanyaan tersebut. (Note: ini adalah pertanyaan2 teknis, jadi bukan diajukan ke business person or C level. So, to find the correct audience is important)

  • Compute: To gather information regarding the planned target Compute infrastructure
  • Storage: To understand the current and expected storage landscape
  • vCenter: To describe the state of vCenter to manage the ESXi environment
  • Network: To gather information around current and target network infrastructure
  • Backup & Patching: To understand the current backup and patching methodology.
  • Monitor: To analyze current and expected the Monitoring processes
  • VM Workloads: To analyzie the details of the current physical workloads to be virtualized and consolidated
  • Security: To understand detail the current security practices.
  • Processes & Operations: To understand the current operation procedures and processes
  • Availlaibility & Disaster Recovery: to gather information on Business Continuity Processes

Breakdown lebih detail dari pertanyaan tersebut diatas, bisa saja dilakukan lebih detail, contohnya sebagai berikut:

  • Compute: tipe hardware, network, disk, merk, redundancy, processor, koneksi storage, booting, automation, scalability, dll
  • Storage: SAN/NAS/iSCSI/NFS/VSAN, IOps, Latency, storage technology, cloning/snapshot, replication, dll
  • vCenter: linked mode, appliance, database decision, disk size, cpu memory size, pre-requirements, dll
  • Network: leaf spine, backbone technology, bandwith, VLAN, VXLAN, teaming, VPC, link aggregation, distributed switch, vendors, dll
  • Backup and Patching: storage backup, 3rd party backup, VDP, VADP, Update Manager, dll
  • Monitor: items to monitor, centralized log server, performance, capacity, usage, tresshold, alert, placement, dll
  • VM Workloads: user growth, IOps, Tier1/Tier2/Tier3, mission critical, OS clustering, Java/Oracle/SQL Server/SAP, dll
  • Security: firewall ports, virus protection, distributed firewall, hardening system, lockdown mode, access, dll
  • Processes and Operations: SLA agreements, private/public/hybrid strategy, budget/scope constraint, unique processes, dll
  • Availability & DR: RPO, RTO, VMware HA, Fault Tolerance, Active-Active DC. Bandwith and Hops, priority protected VMs, dll

Semoga bermanfaat.
Kind Regards,
Doddi Priyambodo

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