Pengalaman Google dalam mengimplementasikan SCRUM
Berikut ini saya ingin mencuplik hasil browsing saya di Internet mengenai Scrum. Saya menemukan salah satu presentasi yang cukup baik mengenai cara Jeff Sutherland mereview pengalaman implementasi dari SCRUM di perusahaan raksasa GOOGLE.
Tolong lihat aja deh dari Original Link ini : (karena video-nya tidak bisa saya embed kesini, lagipula ada presentasinya juga disana)
A retrospective on Google’s first Scrum implementation. Jeff Sutherland visited Google to do an analysis of the first Google implementation of Scrum on one of their largest distributed projects. Their strategy for inserting Scrum step by step into the Google engineering teams showed great insight and provides helpful lessons learned for all Agile teams.
Well known as the Co-Creator of the Scrum Agile Development Process which influenced the design of the other leading Agile process in the U.S., i.e. eXtreme Programming (XP). Scrum is a team organization process that brings focus, clarity, and enthusiasm to any project team in any domain.
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QCon is a conference that is organized by the community, for the community.The result is a high quality conference experience where a tremendous amount of attention and investment has gone into having the best content on the most important topics presented by the leaders in our community.QCon is designed with the technical depth and enterprise focus of interest to technical team leads, architects, and project managers.
Happy Scrumming 😀
Hey people!!!!! Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
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